Laura Healy

Laura Healy is originally from Southern Maryland and has always loved art. When she had her portrait painted by Master artist, Peter Egeli at the age of 10, it left a deep and lasting impression on her. Laura enjoyed a rewarding career as an Occupational Therapy practitioner for 20 years, painting during her free time.
But in 2020, Laura transitioned to dedicating her time solely to her art. In Arizona, Laura trained at the Scottsdale Artist’s School, studying with artists such as Jeff Legg, Gregg Kreutz, and Robert Johnson.
Laura’s exciting art journey continues now in Texas. “It is easy for me to be inspired by my surroundings; the juxtaposition of light and shadow, value and color is what I tend to notice first. A tree that casts a beautiful shadow against brightly lit green grass, or the way the sun shines through a flower’s petal and “turns on” its colorful glow; this is what I love. This is a beautiful part of Texas and I get inspiration from the various views whether it is rolling hills, a vast open field with cows or a low flying crane skimming the water on the lake. There is beauty all around me”.
Laura and her husband, Chris recently moved to Montgomery and enjoy exploring the area.

Laura's Gallery

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